Sunday, December 20, 2009

Take THAT.

Last time I bathed you, two little brown floaties joined you in your bath. NICE. This is one of those motherly responsibilities where if I don't clean up, no one will. It was up to me to go fishing. bleck! In order to do so, I needed to get you out of that nasty water. I took you out, still naked and wet, I set you on the bathroom floor. What happened after this, you ask? PEE. You pee'd all over the bathroom floor.

It was almost as if you were saying, "take that, Mom, and THAT."

Well Lucas,

Take that.
...a nice little picture for your future girlfriends to feast their eyes on. I guess you could call it revenge. :) I love you!

hugs & kisses,

Stay Close

Your Daddy and I come from wonderful families. We are all very close knit. I look at our parents and wonder what they did to keep us coming back. Our gatherings are the best, and even though we don't all live close, we still all get along and talk often.

I want to know what it's going to take to keep you coming back?

Please don't ever go astray. I don't say this for selfish reasons. I want you to have the most wonderful life possible, and to do that, I know that our family needs to stay close. Please come back to visit when you're grown up. Please do your best to call me and tell me all the wonderful things that go on in your grown up life. It will mean so much to me.

I see families that don't have this closeness and I wonder how sad it must be. I am very lucky to be close to my siblings and have great love for them. I don't ever want to be that family that doesn't get along. I can't imagine how it must feel to not like your family.

We're in it for the long haul. I want you to know we'll always be here. No matter what path you take, where you decide to live, or what you do with your life. We'll be here for you. Our love is different than some. It's eternal. I know it is. Please stay close... and if at all possible, don't grow up. That would save a lot of stress.

hugs & kisses,

My handsome man - 15 months

You continue to change. I'm not sure I like it. They're all good changes, I guess I'm just scared. I don't want to you turn into a boy. I want you to stay my sweet little angel baby forever. I have to face it though, it's part of life. Here are some new things you've been doing:
  • kissing like crazy
  • snuggling - you never really have been a snuggler, but now you want me to hold you a lot. I don't mind at all. :)
  • jumping - Your Aunt Tammy keeps saying that this is a motor skill that most babies and new walkers can't do and that sometimes preschoolers even have a hard time learning to jump! You jump all the time. You even stand at the last step on the stairs and without touching any walls, jump to the ground without falling. You climb on the ottoman and jump to the chair. You just keep working at it and you'll be dunking in no time. Hopefully this isn't a warning sign for the broken bones we'll face in the future!
  • opening doors - I don't like this one.
  • say UH OH, Oh no, all your animal sounds and sing your own little numbers quite often.
  • play catch with Daddy - we're working on the catch part, but you've got a great arm!
  • greeting guests at the door - You are always watching out the window when people come and leave the house. Sometimes, crying because you can't go with them.
  • praying - You bow your head in such a reverent way.
We love you Lucas! You just keep learning and growing, even though I want you to stay like this forever!

hugs & kisses,

Sunday, November 8, 2009

14 months and counting

Today church was rough. You aren't quite old enough to attend nursery, but are too old to just sit and play quietly during class. So... that leaves us in the hallway. Walking in circles around the church building. You are also turning into such a big boy that it's hard for Mommy to carry you! So we walk hand in hand, up and down the halls. Church is right during nap time and lunch time, which also makes it hard. When I first had you and realized how hard it would be to sit through a class, I thought I would surely never feel the spirit again. I was so wrong. It comes when I least expect it and stronger than ever. Having you has helped me put everything that I do in eternal perspective. I know that you are at such an age that everything I do has an impact on you. You watch my every move. You need me to teach you. You need me to instill these things that I have been taught in you. Heavenly Father sent you here expecting me to do so. He trusts me enough to send you to me. I am honored.

You are changing and growing so much. The more I look at you, the more I think you're not a baby anymore. You are turning into a little boy. One I can't rock-a-bye with as easy. One who climbs on tables, and leaves the house whenever he pleases. You are communicating more than ever. I just wish you would use words. I'm pretty sure you'd have a lot to say. You sign a lot, and grab my finger and show me what it is you want. You repeat everything I say in your own form, but to the same tune. You know all your animal sounds. I take you to story time at the public library often and we read as a group. The first few weeks, you just kept running out of the room, but now you are doing much better. We sing songs and dance on a daily basis. This is something that you want to do. You always beg me to turn the radio on so you can show me your new dance moves. Daddy taught you to climb. I don't know why he encourages such things! You are into everything, but are pretty good at listening when I ask you to put something away. I tell you "all done" or "thank-you" and you bring me whatever it is you're not supposed to have. You put your clothes in the hamper, garbage in the trash, and shoes in the basket. You LOVE Carter and Tuxedo. You always want to go give them treats. You LOVE reading with Papa. You always grab a book, hand it to him, turn around and back your bum right into his lap. You guys are best buddies. You love Presley and give her kisses. You love all your cousins. You love to run around with the older ones and do whatever they're doing. You are so lucky to have the family that you do, and we are ALL lucky to have you.

We love you lots, and hope you keep impressing us with all the things you learn.

hugs & kisses,

Monday, October 19, 2009


After a long night at the ER

Late Saturday evening, we waited for your Daddy to get off work so we could head to Fred Meyer together. We went there for one specific purpose. We were going to get a baby gate to wrap around the fireplace with the winter season just around the corner. When we got there, the gate that had been on sale for weeks prior to this was back up at a higher price. Thinking that we could wait another week to see if it came back on sale, we left without the gate.

As soon as we got home, I sat down with you on the living room floor to put on your jammies. I explained to you that the fireplace was HOT. You pointed at it and repeated your version of the word "hot" back to me. I continued dressing you. Changed your diaper, pulled up your pajama pants, turned to get your shirt from the floor next to me, and in an instant, you took a quick step right into the burning fireplace. You rested both your sweet little hands right on top of it. I grabbed you as fast as I could and put your hands under cold water. Once I found the wounds, I put some burn cream on them and applied ice the best I could. You seemed to be handling it well. You continued on playing, when suddenly, the pain got worse. You started to scream. and scream. You rocked back and forth and belted out your cries. You wanted me to hold you, but it hurt you. You wanted your blankie, but that hurt, too. It was the hardest I have heard you cry, and there was nothing I could do to make it better. So I cried with you.

Because of the discomfort you were in, your Daddy and I decided to take you into the ER. Mommy sang to you as you continued to cry the whole way to the Hospital. The moment we walked into the hospital, your crying came to a halt. There was a fish tank. You were so excited to see those fish! I was glad that you could be distracted for a bit, but at the same time, I wanted you to cry so that the nurses could maybe rush our case.

No such luck. They tried to transfer you to Harbor View in Seattle, but we insisted that they wrap your owies so that you wouldn't be in anymore pain. 3 hours later, we brought you home mummified and put you to bed.

Your wounds are almost healed, and now you know what "HOT" means.
So sorry you had to go through this.

I love you oodles, mister magoo.

hugs & kisses, "mUmmy"

side note: For a split second, while you expressed your pain and I unsuccessfully tried to comfort you, I thought of Christ in Gethsemane. I know that Heavenly Father didn't want to see his child go through all the pain and agony he did, but he had to let him. I'm sure that it was killing him inside to not be able to take away his pain. I can't imagine seeing you in any more pain than you have already experienced. It hurt me as much as it hurt you.

I hope you always remember that Christ suffered the most excruciating pain so that we might live eternally. He did it for you. The atonement is real. Heavenly Father loves each of us so much that he GAVE his only begotten son to die for us. Always know that, Lucas.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I just wanted to let you know that you are special.

Don't ever think you're not important. We all have a plan. Heavenly Father sent each of us here for a purpose. Yours is unique to you. You are a valiant son of God. You chose to come to this earth and stay with us during this life.

I'm just learning how to be a mother. I see a light turn on in your little head each time I speak to you. I am always surprised to see your listening eyes when I talk. It's amazing that at such a young age you comprehend everything that I say.

You can't talk much yet. You say Dada, Papa, Yeah, Dog, Momma, and sign airplane. Though you don't say a whole lot, you know exactly what I say. I ask you if you want to take a bath and you RUN (not walk) to the bathroom, tugging on your clothes the whole way. It's so fun to see you read books. You put your clothes away in the hamper every time I change you. I ask you if you're hungry and you run to your highchair saying, "yeah" (which is more like a grunting sound). You also march right over to the fridge every time you want a drink. You LOVE to be outside. You got tired of me telling you not to go outside without shoes, so you figured out where your shoes are and bring them to me when you want to go out. You have also figured out how to open the screen door. If it's not locked, you are GONE. Usually visiting the dog, Tuxedo next door. We keep the screen door locked due to this recent discovery.

I hope that I can be a light and example to you throughout your life and continue to teach you the things that I know. There are many things in life that you will accomplish that others may not. I hope that you can have the desire to do what is right and integrity to stand up for what you believe in.

I hope that you will have a sure confidence that you are loved. Never doubt that.

You are unique, important and special. Don't forget it.

hugs & kisses,

Monday, August 17, 2009


mister magoo. groober. lump lump. Lucas Max. groober doober. magroober. tornado. silly boy. handsome. lukers. wookis. handsome bodansome. stud muffin. punkinator. groobs. gibby.

Happy Birthday, Lucas Maxwell!

One year ago, about this time, I was at work thinking, "I think I'd better go home." I scared my boss when I told him my contractions were THREE minutes apart. He said, "you'd better go." I kept on working. :)
It wasn't until about 10 when I finally left work, met Daddy and got my nails done.
{who wouldn't want their toes done before giving birth?}
I put that massage chair on high to keep those contractions coming!
After my nails were painted the perfect shade of red, I headed off to the hospital.
I checked in at 5pm, and no later than 7pm, my little bundle of joy was here.

Thanks for making my life so much more rewarding. Thanks for smiling at me each and every day to let me know you love me. Thanks for your silly faces. Thanks for waking me up every morning at a decent hour. I never have to set an alarm clock. Thanks for helping me put your clothes away every day. Thanks for listening to me. I know you are excited to learn when you watch me with those wide-eyes. Thanks for the peace that you give to me. I know that my calling is to be a mother - and I hope that I can care for you just as Heavenly Father would have me do.

There are so many people who love you. Not only your family, but members of our church just adore you. My favorite compliment given to you was in a soft whispering voice with much intent. Sister Mackey leaned over to me before Relief Society started and softly said, "Just look at him. His eyes have this sparkle about them. I've never seen anything like it." I couldn't agree more. I thought I was the only one who saw that sparkle. At that moment, there was such a strong feeling that came over me. The feeling was out of this world. I know that you are my earthly son, but my heavenly brother. (It will all make sense to you someday.) We are all sent to this earth for a divine purpose. I was lucky enough that Heavenly Father sent you to me. We knew each other in the pre-mortal life and I just hope and pray with all my heart that our family sticks together in the life hereafter.

Lucas, please know how much I love you. I am so glad to be your Mommy. I am blessed immensely by your presence each day. Each time I look at you, it reminds me that my Heavenly Father loves me. He loves me enough to send you.

May your eyes forever have that eternal sparkle.

Happy Birthday, little one.

hugs & kisses, "mommy"

Saturday, July 18, 2009

keeping us on our toes...

You are one quick little boy. You have gotten to be a very fast walker and an even faster crawler. You never stop. Just when I thought I figured out how to multi-task while keeping a good eye on you, I've been proved wrong.

Grandpa Hansen was here visiting this past week. Just before we took him to the airport to leave, we had family prayer. We started the prayer with you on your Daddy's lap. By the time we said "amen," you were OUT the front door. Daddy was following you trying to keep his arms folded and not make a ruckus trying to catch you.

You also caused us yet another scare. You found an extra strength Tylenol bottle and somehow OPENED the child-proof lid. You crawled out to us, happily chewing on a pill. We got it out just in time. I'm almost positive that there was only one left and that you didn't swallow any. Just to be safe, I called Poison Control and they said that unless you swallowed 4, you would be fine. *sigh* Your first birthday is in a month. I hope you make it to the party, kiddo! You REALLY keep us on our toes!

On a happy note, you woke up this morning and were the cuddliest you've ever been. (unless you are sick) Thanks for giving me loves. I love you SO much, Lucas. Always know that.

hugs and kisses,

Sunday, July 12, 2009

poor guy

You are SO BUSY these days. I just don't know what to do with you! You keep us laughing at all the funny things you do. When we're not laughing, we're looking for you! You are into EVERYTHING. Grandma's house isn't the most baby-proof, so I have to always be on my toes!

You have had 2 recent injuries. One was completely MY FAULT and I feel AWFUL.

4th of July was not too long ago, and you slept right through it all. I wanted you to see the fireworks, but you were just too tired to stay awake. SO. I saved a sparkler for you to see and I wanted a picture with you and a sparkler. Grandpa was the only one home, so I asked him to help you with a sparkler while I got the picture taken. You were doing so well with it. The sparkler was almost done, so grandpa went to remove it from your grasp. Your "kung-foo grip" as Daddy likes to call it just wouldn't let go of that sparkler. So, instead of him taking the sparkler out of your hands, it slid right through your little tightly gripped fist. Just a side note: sparklers burn as hot as 3000 degrees!
As if I don't feel bad enough, everyone asks what your nasty burn is from and I have to re-live the story every time I tell it. Today at church, someone said, "Sparklers aren't for children. What kind of parent would give their child a sparkler?!" I shrunk. "me."
I am so sorry, little man. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, I guess. You didn't even cry. I did! I pray that you don't get scarred by this and that it heals quickly. All though, it will likely NEVER heal, because you are a typical boy and you PICK your scab. YUCK.

Your second injury was a black eye that you got climbing out of a little chair. You normally do it on your own just fine, however this time you stumbled and hit your eye on a toy laying on the floor. That black eye has since healed.

I don't care what all the other parents think. As long as you know how much I love you and would never want to hurt you. Accidents happen and I'm sure we have many more ahead of us. I just hope that none are too severe and that you continue to be the tough little boy that you are! Mommy loves you so much! Here are some pictures of your burn. :(

hugs & kisses,

Sunday, May 31, 2009

as if MIA wasn't enough

Not only did I LOSE you today, but we had a near death experience!
There is this file cabinet with 2 heavy drawers that you seem to be so interested in. You always open and close the drawers and every time you do, I pull you away in fear that it will fall on you. Well, today... it did.
You had both drawers open, little feet under neath them, standing up against the top drawer. You continued to pull. Time stopped. I screamed, which scared you and made you fall to the ground with the cabinet on top of you. Jimmy and I both tried to make it in time, but no such luck.

Surprisingly, you were not hurt. Not even a bump or bruise. I should not have screamed, but I thought you were done for!

Twice in one day, I though I lost you.

Let's not try for three. Kapish?

I love you, little mischevious "punkineater"!

hugs & kisses,


I couldn't let the day finish without writing about this. You have been sleeping through the night, but waking up insanely early ready for the day to begin.
This morning started out at 5am. Generally, you will wake up early and lay in your bed for a while or go back to sleep if you realize that we are not awake yet. Well, today you were not going back to sleep. I took you out to the living room with some toys to occupy you with so I could get a few more minutes of sleep. (which I have done in the past) I barricaded you with several obstacles that I thought might keep you busy enough and out of trouble for a little while.
...not sure how much time had passed
Jimmy woke up and asked, "Where's Lucas?"
My heart stopped. I jumped out of bed, flew through the hall and out to the living room where I had left you. GONE. No Lucas. I saw a trail of things that you had gotten into, but still no Lucas. I continued to follow this trail you left to an open door that lead to the stairs. I ran upstairs to find you on top of Grandma's bed dancing and watching cartoons. You know who to go to in order to get what you want I guess.
You had me scared to death! What was I thinking? Did I actually think that I could let you be alone at this curious stage in life? Was I really going to be able to half way sleep and hear you if you needed me? Apparently not. Good thing it wasn't the front door that you escaped through. There might not be a happy ending to this!

I love you, but please, please slow down!

hugs & kisses,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Elmo's World

This morning, when feeding you breakfast, I had the morning news on. I finished feeding you, took you out of your highchair and set you on the ground to roam free while I cleaned up our regular mess. I was in the kitchen doing dishes, when I heard the channel of the T.V. change. I entered the room to find you, standing up against the ottoman - remote in hand, dancing to Elmo's world on Sesame Street. I don't know how you did it, but you sure were enjoying the show. I didn't have the heart to turn it off.

You are so dang cute. You continue to crack me up, little guy. I love you!

hugs & kisses,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

into everything.

Your room used to be the "safe" place. I could let you play in there for hours and not get into trouble. Until you figured out how to open drawers. Apparently you didn't like the outfit you were wearing and decided to find something else. You are a clever kid and figure things out fast.

I also have been trying to put you into infant toys that will contain you, but that hasn't worked well either. You are just too big and too smart for those little toys...
You are the reason I smile. Thanks for making me laugh and for brightening up each day. I am SO SO SO glad I have you. Thanks for cuddling with me tonight. I know it's not your favorite thing, but I love it when you do. You change more and more every day. It's been so entertaining watching you learn. You sure are fun to watch.
I love you little Magroober. I always will.

hugs & kisses,

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This is my new favorite picture. You're such a stud-muffin!
You and your new cousin Justin!

We have had a crazy month so far. You went almost a week without sleeping. (a week without sleep for baby and mommy = not so happy household) You were congested BIG time. It probably had a lot to do with teething. Glad that's over.

We went to Coeur d'Alene for Easter and to meet Justin. It was so fun. You guys are going to be best pals. You are so lucky to have Presley and Justin. I never had any close cousins. You have an extended family who LOVE you to pieces. Just like always, Jacqualine, Kayla, Jaynie, Karsten and Chloe all fought over who got to hold/feed/change you. They love you so much.

The weather is getting nicer and Papa put up a swing for you. You have so much fun in it!

hugs & kisses,

Sunday, March 15, 2009

6 Month Magroober

March 15th, 2009

You cut your first tooth today! You have been chomping on your first 2 fingers the last couple days, and spitting up a lot more than usual. Today, I reached in... and there's a TOOTH! You're growing up too fast. Pretty soon, we'll be putting that same tooth under your pillow so the tooth fairy can bring you a surprise! ...and after that, you'll grow a new one in the same spot...and that one will probably need braces... and maybe a filling... okay okay. I'll stop with the lifeline of a TOOTH. We are so excited that you finally have cut a tooth. Hopefully you can relax more and not be in so much pain.
We had Sunday dinner at Grandma's today with all the Fagan family. You were an ANGEL at church today. Hopefully next week we can have a repeat! Daddy took you for the majority of church. You took a nice long nap with him.
You are a big 6 month old now. In just 6 more months, we can have a big party for your birthday!
Here are some of the latest:
  • You now weigh 18.8 lbs and are 28" tall.
  • You sit up
  • Your hair is FINALLY starting to lay down a little
  • You do the FUNNIEST cheesy smile lately. Your whole face squints up and you inhale really hard, and then let out a loud squeal. It's hard to describe, but I've got to get it on camera!
  • I call you "punkin-eater" but sometimes I pronounce it punkinator... just like the "terminator". You'll probably never know what I'm talking about. That movie will never have a remake.
  • You reach for me when you want me. It has to be my favorite thing EVER.
  • You are eating solids
  • You are just getting to the point where you notice other babies. Play-dates are getting fun!
  • Your favorite friend at church is Henry James.
You continue to make me smile. Every day is complete when I see my happy little punkinator. Always remember how much your Dad and I love you. Each night before we go to bed, your Daddy and I talk about our day together. We both get so exited when we bring you up. We laugh at the funny things you do. It usually ends with us both saying, "I yuv that little guy."
It's true. We do. You are the BEST.

hugs & kisses,

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

sad, sick baby...

February 17th, 2009

You have now had your first fever and head cold. You had Daddy and I worried. You didn't sleep AT ALL for 2 nights in a row. Daddy would take the first half of the night, and I took the last half. We just held you while you whimpered so pathetically. :( I found out how hard it is to work and plan a talk while taking care of a sick 5 month old. All I wanted to do was hold you all day and all night. You are feeling better now, and to make up for the lost sleep, you slept 12 hours!! What a treat for me! My talk was done, and for the first time in five months, I got to sleep in until 9am! WOW. That felt great! Thanks, Magoo!
I'm glad to have you back to your cheery little self.

You are eating solids now and you LOVE it. It took a while, but you are now interested in solids. You like bananas, rice cereal, peaches, and most of all, sweet potatoes. You also drink from a sippy cup like a pro!

Daddy taught you to roll over. The first 2 times you did it, you were 3 months old. (Belly to Back) Now you roll from back to belly. It seems like every time we put you down, there you go... rolling over. You are so fun to play with. You also sit up on your own. We keep pillows around you, but you are doing very well!

We love to watch you grow! I just wish it wouldn't happen so FAST!

hugs & kisses,

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Best

January 18th, 2009

Well, Magoo- You caused quite the hectic morning for us! Last night you were up quite a bit. You made Mommy VERY tired. We slept in and had to rush to get ready for church. I hurried and got you dressed, placed you in your bouncy toy after which, I ran to get myself dressed.

I had purse in hand, shoes on, scriptures, carseat ready, only to pick you up and find... POOP. EVERYWHERE. You went Poo through all your nice dress clothes. This has happened before, but never while in such a rush. (You pooped through your clothes last night, too!) Back in the tub you went for your THIRD bath within 14 hours. The house SMELLS. We were late for church, but we made it.

We have also been preparing to leave town again for Grandma's Funeral. I was caught up on laundry until you created yet ANOTHER mess! Last night, it got all over the rug in the bathroom, 2 towels and through your clothes. Today, I have to wash the changing table cover. I love you anyways and I plan on cleaning up many more messes to come~

hugs & kisses,

Friday, January 9, 2009

"mister magoo"

January 6th, 2009

Your latest nickname has been Mister Magoo. Your Dad started it. Sometimes he calls you just "Magoo" or "Magroober." He also calls you "Sir kicks-a-lot," because you like to kick your legs! You are such a wonderful baby. In church, you just lay on your blanket and play with your toys. You also flirt with the ladies in Relief Society. You have started to kiss me! I love it. Sometimes you get a little carried away and suck my chin. (which is really kind of gross, but because it's you, it's CUTE!)

We had a great Christmas and took lots of pictures of you. "Santa" got you a bouncy chair that you love to play in. You have really started to talk. You get so excited and scream! You are really ticklish. I love to tickle you and make you giggle. You have been sleeping through the night, which makes me SO happy.
Thanks for being such a cute, blue-eyed, handsome, totally cool, fantastic "mister magoo!"

...I love you!
hugs & kisses,

Baby Jesus

December 14th, 2008

Lucas, you continue to light up my life. For this year's Christmas party at church, they asked you to be Baby Jesus. You were the most perfect little Jesus. I was so proud to be your Mommy. Everyone said how sweet you were.
I'm watching you fall to sleep right now. It has been cold at night, so you are bundled up really well. (and of course you have your favorite green blanket pulled right up to your face.)

Over the weekend, you swam for the first time at your cousin Gavin's Birthday party. I think you liked it. It also snowed for the first time yesterday. I haven't taken you out in it though - you are just too little. We have been getting ready for Christmas. Your Daddy and I took you to see Santa last week. You love to look at the Christmas lights on the tree. You also try and watch TV with Dad. (mostly football) you are starting to use your voice. Today, you were sitting in your high chair watching us eat dinner, and it sounded like you said, "hi dad." You were looking right at him, too!

You bring so much joy to us. We love watching you grow. Every little thing you do amazes us.

Some important events going on in the world:

  • George W Bush is President of the US
  • Barak Obama will be our next president (1st African American President ever)
  • Our country is at war in Iraq
  • The economy is in a recession (large companies are going bankrupt)
  • Apostle Joseph B Wirthlin passed away
  • The Prophet is Thomas S. Monson
Heavenly Father saved you for these latter days. You have a mission here on earth he has sent you to complete. The world is scary right now - but with the knowledge we have and if we choose the right, we need not fear. :)

I love you, Sweet Lucas!
hugs & kisses,


November 4th, 2008

I haven't written in a while because I have been so busy playing with YOU! You are such a fun baby. You have reached 13 pounds. Since you have been here, you have been such a momma's boy. I am the only one who knows just what you need. However, for the past 2 days, the only person you want is your DAD. He comes home from school and your face lights up! He tries to put you down so he can eat dinner and you cry! You guys are best pals. He always calls you "dude." Grandpa and you get along pretty well, too. He calls you "lump lump." (right now you're a little on the chubby side.) We love you so much! I always catch Grandma Fagan staring at you and smiling. She thinks you are so precious. We all do. Uncle Joe always wants to hold you and he never puts you down. He thinks you're a stud.

You were a giraffe for Halloween. You looked SO adorable. Mason, Ethan and Chloe came over to see you. They were a Robot, i-phone and wii. (all electronics) We are planning a trip to go meet your Great Grandparents before Thanksgiving. They live in Blackfoot, ID. This will be your first road trip. We will also visit your cousins in Coeur 'd Alene. They can't wait to see you again. They were here a few weeks ago for your blessing. Your Dad gave you the most beautiful blessing. You have been promised many blessings if you choose the right. Always remember that. I love you, little man!
hugs & kisses,

Lucas Maxwell Miller

August 25th, 2008

I don't know what your Dad or I have ever done to deserve such a perfect baby boy. Welcome to the world, Lucas Maxwell! You are fresh out of Heaven and we are so blessed to have you in our family! This has been one of the best days of my life.

Today is a Monday, and it started out as usual - at work. I felt great, but had been having contractions for the last 3 days, 3-5 minutes apart. I decided after working half a day that I should go home. (I didn't want you to come while I was at work!) I got home and still felt great. The contractions were painless. I didn't think you were going to come yet, so your Dad and Joe took me and Emily to get pedicures! After my toes were done, we went home and felt like it was time to go to the hospital. Before we headed out, your Dad gave me a beautiful blessing, telling me that Heavenly Father loved me and that I would be strong enough to endure labor.

The whole way to the hospital, I kept thinking, "they're just going to send me home". When we got there, the nurse checked to see if you were ready to come. She said an hour long walk would help get things started. After the walk, sure enough... you were ready to come! They checked me right into the hospital at 4pm. The Dr. Broke my water at 5pm and you were here by 7:40pm. Dr Webb helped your Daddy deliver you and cut the cord. She let him do most of the work! We were surprised to see lots of brown hair and blue eyes! They say your eyes might get darker. We'll see. Lots of family were here in the hallway waiting for you to come. (Grandma Miller, Grandma Fagan, Grandpa Fagan, Aunt Tammy, Uncle James, Mason, Ethan, Chloe, Uncle Joe, Aunt Emily, Aunt Alisa, Uncle Pete, Anjelina, Kassie and Uncle Jeramy)

Heavenly Father loves you and has sent you to a family that loves the gospel and lives by it's teachings. I hope that we can be good examples to you throughout your life. Always know how much we love you and how blessed we are to have you. You are a precious child of God. Thank you for joining our family. I love you with all my heart little Lucas!
hugs & kisses,
On the way to the hospital (Empty Carseat)

counting down...

August 20th, 2008

The 29th of August is your due date. We went to see Dr. Cole today and she thinks you'll come sooner. We are ready whenever you are! Your nursery is all done. Daddy has everything ready. He is just waiting to take me to the hospital. He talks to you all the time. We are both so excited for you to join our family. I have been going for long walks hoping that will induce labor, but only you know when you're ready to come! You kick and move around in my belly all of the time. I love to feel you move around. You are going to have a few more cousins your age. Aunt Alisa just had Brennen and Aunt Emily and Aunt Angie are both pregnant. Hopefully we will always live close enough for you to play with them. Grandma and Grandpa Fagan can't wait to hold you. Grandma Miller calls me all the time to ask me if you are on your way yet. We had a big baby shower for you. All the family came to town. We played games and there were lots of gifts for you. Aunt Tammy and Aunt Emily also made a funny DVD of your Daddy and had everyone watch it at the shower. It was really funny. Your Dad can't wait for you to come. We love you so much. Maybe next time I write, you'll be here!
hugs & kisses,

oh BOY!

April 9, 2008

The nurse told us today that you are a little BOY! We are so excited! Your Daddy was text-messaging everyone before we even left the doctor's office! He wanted to tell the world! He can't wait to teach you all the different sports. We hope you will like Basketball. (We like all sports, but LOVE basketball.) I am playing basketball still. The doctor said it was ok. We have regionals coming up, and I am determined to finish the season of church ball!

Right now, we are living with Grandma and Grandpa Fagan. They want you to have the spare bedroom. Daddy completely re-did that bedroom just for you. The walls are light grey and there is white trim. It looks so nice. When we called all our family to tell them you are a boy, they were so excited. Preston, Jake and Tyson all screamed and hollered. Then, Mason and Ethan shouted, "Yes!" Both Chloe and Kaleesa thought you would be a girl. Jacqualine promised that she would be your first baby-sitter. (I was hers.) You have a wonderful family and so many cousins that love you. You will be the 16th grandbaby on the Fagan side, and the 6th on the Miller side.
...we all can't wait to meet you!
hugs & kisses,

Happy Valentine's Day!

February 14th, 2008

We had our 2nd doctor visit today. Daddy and I had our Valentine's date with you at the Doctor's office! It couldn't have been better! We were only supposed to go in and hear the heartbeat, but the Dr. couldn't find it with the machine! You gave us a scare - so the Dr. took me into another room where she could do an ultrasound. I think you were just playing a trick on us, because when she pulled your picture up on the screen, there you were... alive and kickin'! You even hiccup-ed! We got to see you move around! Right now, you are only 2 inches big! The Dr. said she predicts you will be a boy because when she can't find a heartbeat, it's usually a boy. The lady at the nail salon thinks you are a girl. Either way, your Daddy and I are so excited to have you in our family! You looked so cute today on the ultrasound. I am starting to show and will soon need to buy bigger clothes so I can fit you in my belly! I love you already and can't wait to be your mommy! I want you to continue to grow big and strong for me. Your Grandparents, Cousins, Aunts and Uncles are also very excited to meet you. We have a big family and I know you will love them. I love you! Until next time,
hugs & kisses,

Must have done something right...

January 22nd, 2008

Hello, Baby! We are SO excited to bring you into this world! Your Daddy and I have been praying about when we should start a family. We needed inspiration to know when Heavenly Father wanted you to come. We prayed often. Even in the Temple. We didn't get an answer, but we were patient. I guess the answer came in a pregnancy test! We found out you were coming on December 30th, told our family on New Year's Eve, and had our very first doctor appointment today! We are so thrilled to be expecting you!! Our appointment went well. Your heart rate is perfect and everything looks to be healthy so far. I can't believe that they take ultrasound pictures on the first visit! I was so relieved to see a healthy baby on the monitor that I cried. Your Daddy and I have had so much fun planning for you so far. He is also very excited to meet you and thinks we now need a bigger "family car."

I hope that you know how grateful for you we are and what a special miracle you are. I look forward to the day we meet and I hope that I can give you the love and nourishment you need. We must have done something right if Heavenly Father loves us enough to send YOU!

hugs & kisses,