Sunday, May 31, 2009

as if MIA wasn't enough

Not only did I LOSE you today, but we had a near death experience!
There is this file cabinet with 2 heavy drawers that you seem to be so interested in. You always open and close the drawers and every time you do, I pull you away in fear that it will fall on you. Well, today... it did.
You had both drawers open, little feet under neath them, standing up against the top drawer. You continued to pull. Time stopped. I screamed, which scared you and made you fall to the ground with the cabinet on top of you. Jimmy and I both tried to make it in time, but no such luck.

Surprisingly, you were not hurt. Not even a bump or bruise. I should not have screamed, but I thought you were done for!

Twice in one day, I though I lost you.

Let's not try for three. Kapish?

I love you, little mischevious "punkineater"!

hugs & kisses,


I couldn't let the day finish without writing about this. You have been sleeping through the night, but waking up insanely early ready for the day to begin.
This morning started out at 5am. Generally, you will wake up early and lay in your bed for a while or go back to sleep if you realize that we are not awake yet. Well, today you were not going back to sleep. I took you out to the living room with some toys to occupy you with so I could get a few more minutes of sleep. (which I have done in the past) I barricaded you with several obstacles that I thought might keep you busy enough and out of trouble for a little while.
...not sure how much time had passed
Jimmy woke up and asked, "Where's Lucas?"
My heart stopped. I jumped out of bed, flew through the hall and out to the living room where I had left you. GONE. No Lucas. I saw a trail of things that you had gotten into, but still no Lucas. I continued to follow this trail you left to an open door that lead to the stairs. I ran upstairs to find you on top of Grandma's bed dancing and watching cartoons. You know who to go to in order to get what you want I guess.
You had me scared to death! What was I thinking? Did I actually think that I could let you be alone at this curious stage in life? Was I really going to be able to half way sleep and hear you if you needed me? Apparently not. Good thing it wasn't the front door that you escaped through. There might not be a happy ending to this!

I love you, but please, please slow down!

hugs & kisses,

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Elmo's World

This morning, when feeding you breakfast, I had the morning news on. I finished feeding you, took you out of your highchair and set you on the ground to roam free while I cleaned up our regular mess. I was in the kitchen doing dishes, when I heard the channel of the T.V. change. I entered the room to find you, standing up against the ottoman - remote in hand, dancing to Elmo's world on Sesame Street. I don't know how you did it, but you sure were enjoying the show. I didn't have the heart to turn it off.

You are so dang cute. You continue to crack me up, little guy. I love you!

hugs & kisses,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

into everything.

Your room used to be the "safe" place. I could let you play in there for hours and not get into trouble. Until you figured out how to open drawers. Apparently you didn't like the outfit you were wearing and decided to find something else. You are a clever kid and figure things out fast.

I also have been trying to put you into infant toys that will contain you, but that hasn't worked well either. You are just too big and too smart for those little toys...
You are the reason I smile. Thanks for making me laugh and for brightening up each day. I am SO SO SO glad I have you. Thanks for cuddling with me tonight. I know it's not your favorite thing, but I love it when you do. You change more and more every day. It's been so entertaining watching you learn. You sure are fun to watch.
I love you little Magroober. I always will.

hugs & kisses,