Today church was rough. You aren't quite old enough to attend nursery, but are too old to just sit and play quietly during class. So... that leaves us in the hallway. Walking in circles around the church building. You are also turning into such a big boy that it's hard for Mommy to carry you! So we walk hand in hand, up and down the halls. Church is right during nap time and lunch time, which also makes it hard. When I first had you and realized how hard it would be to sit through a class, I thought I would surely never feel the spirit again. I was so wrong. It comes when I least expect it and stronger than ever. Having you has helped me put everything that I do in eternal perspective. I know that you are at such an age that everything I do has an impact on you. You watch my every move. You need me to teach you. You need me to instill these things that I have been taught in you. Heavenly Father sent you here expecting me to do so. He trusts me enough to send you to me. I am honored.
You are changing and growing so much. The more I look at you, the more I think you're not a baby anymore. You are turning into a little boy. One I can't rock-a-bye with as easy. One who climbs on tables, and leaves the house whenever he pleases. You are communicating more than ever. I just wish you would use words. I'm pretty sure you'd have a lot to say. You sign a lot, and grab my finger and show me what it is you want. You repeat everything I say in your own form, but to the same tune. You know all your animal sounds. I take you to story time at the public library often and we read as a group. The first few weeks, you just kept running out of the room, but now you are doing much better. We sing songs and dance on a daily basis. This is something that you want to do. You always beg me to turn the radio on so you can show me your new dance moves. Daddy taught you to climb. I don't know why he encourages such things! You are into everything, but are pretty good at listening when I ask you to put something away. I tell you "all done" or "thank-you" and you bring me whatever it is you're not supposed to have. You put your clothes in the hamper, garbage in the trash, and shoes in the basket. You LOVE Carter and Tuxedo. You always want to go give them treats. You LOVE reading with Papa. You always grab a book, hand it to him, turn around and back your bum right into his lap. You guys are best buddies. You love Presley and give her kisses. You love all your cousins. You love to run around with the older ones and do whatever they're doing. You are so lucky to have the family that you do, and we are ALL lucky to have you.
We love you lots, and hope you keep impressing us with all the things you learn.
hugs & kisses,