Monday, February 22, 2010

sleeping baby

I settled down tonight. I got nothing on the checklist done that I needed to do after I put you down. In efforts to accomplish at least ONE thing, I picked up a pile of toys and quietly carried them down the hall to your room. Daddy was studying in the room across from yours. As I opened your door it caught his attention. We both drew our eyes to your sweet face pressed gently up against your crib railing. Time stopped as we both stared, expressionless. I could tell that at that moment we shared the same thoughts:
  • That your sweet face is OURS. It's literally a mixture of US.
  • You are growing WAY too fast.
  • Your laughter, smile, scowl and the way you wait for us at the window each time we come home are the very things that keep us going.
  • We want another, but could we possibly come up with something as perfect?
  • You're so darn cute.
  • Though you seem to be turning into this BOY, you will always be our baby.
We love being parents. We love you. We love everything about you.

Goodnight, Sweet Groobs.

hugs & kisses,

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Latest on Lucas

You say:
Cow says, Fish says, Dog says, Cat says, Lion says, Elephant says, (my fave) Monkey says, Sheep says, Duck says... and last but not least, Mommy says - in which you shake your finger at me and say "no no no". You also say Thank you - "Do Doooo", Papa - "bah-bah", Dadda, Grandma -"ummmaah", Momma and all done - "aduhhh".

You sign:
airplane, please, thank you, milk, all done and your wave is perfected. When you're ready to leave somewhere, you just start waving which always embarrasses me. It usually happens at someone's house when you're done visiting.

You sing: (mostly hand motions)
Itsy bitsy spider, The wheels on the bus and the rock-a-bye song you made up. :)

You still nap 2 times a day. Sometimes you get by with 1 - but you are MUCH happier with 2.

You continue to Jump, dance, and best of all... Summer-salts!

You are starting to be a bit clingy, which is good and bad. Today, I was doing hair and you came in, pulled on my apron until I was eye level with you, looked me in my eyes, grabbing the top of my apron and tried to take it off. You clearly wanted me to be done doing hair and spend time with you.

I love your independence. You strut your stuff right into the kitchen, open the fridge and tell me exactly what you want. It's usually an egg, shredded cheese or milk. You also can open EVERY door at your convenience. I just know you're going to run away!

I love you, punkin-ator.

hugs & kisses,