I settled down tonight. I got nothing on the checklist done that I needed to do after I put you down. In efforts to accomplish at least ONE thing, I picked up a pile of toys and quietly carried them down the hall to your room. Daddy was studying in the room across from yours. As I opened your door it caught his attention. We both drew our eyes to your sweet face pressed gently up against your crib railing. Time stopped as we both stared, expressionless. I could tell that at that moment we shared the same thoughts:
Goodnight, Sweet Groobs.
hugs & kisses,
- That your sweet face is OURS. It's literally a mixture of US.
- You are growing WAY too fast.
- Your laughter, smile, scowl and the way you wait for us at the window each time we come home are the very things that keep us going.
- We want another, but could we possibly come up with something as perfect?
- You're so darn cute.
- Though you seem to be turning into this BOY, you will always be our baby.
Goodnight, Sweet Groobs.
hugs & kisses,