Friday, March 4, 2011

You hosted your first FHE!

You have had this obsession with Angel Moroni. You love to talk about him, see him in pictures and always ask to "go in!" when we drive by the temple. I was in the church bookstore the other day and you wandered your way in to the children's section. It wasn't long before you noticed all the scripture character action figurines hanging on the wall. Did you go for Stripling warriors? Did you find a sweet baby Jesus? Did you seek out the ripped Nephi figurine? Nope. Angel Moroni. That's all you cared about. So I had to have it. :) I hid it for a few days because I wanted to wait for a good time to give him to you when I could let you know of his importance.

Time went by, and I had to run to the dollar store for some shipping envelopes. I was in a rush, and you understood that we were just running in fast. Until you saw a life-size trumpet JUST like Angel "Moron-on-i's". We had to stop. We had to stop and look at all of them. There was no longer a rush to get out of the store. We both had fun picking out the most "Moron-on-i" like trumpet.

I asked if you would host FHE and you were SO excited to. We kept it a surprise and the family loved it. We dressed you up like Moroni and you marched into the living room blowing that horn just like I imagine Angel Moroni would. "do do doooo!!"
It was hilarious when Dad took a turn blowing the trumpet. He didn't do it your way, so you politely said "show how" (I'll show you how) and taught him the correct way to sound the trump. You did great. :)

We proceeded to teach about the plates and the visions of Moroni that Joseph Smith had. You explained that the spires on the temples point "up up heaven".

I enjoy every teaching moment I have with you. I really love watching you learn. You remember EVERYTHING and it really amazes me. There will be no empty promises from me, because I know you better than to forget. :)

I love you, Groobs. Thanks for sharing your "knowledge" of Angel Moroni with us tonight.

hugs & kisses,

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